Want To Help?
This project has a gigantic impact on grieving families. More than 300 hospitals are regularly sent boxes of gowns. Usually a hospital is sent a box of gowns with enough to last them a year. This saves on postage.
Please EMAIL me if you would like to make a donation. Thank you.
Link to Donation Address or Email cjangel+gowns@hotmail.com
Wedding Dress Donations: Please send a pic of the dress first. Hospitals want white, nothing aged or yellowed. More details sent to you after we see the pic.
————-Other Supplies Needed————
FLANNEL any store will work for flannel. If prints- only tiny prints, non-directional.
We always need white flannel. Pastel Pink and Pastel Blue always used.
Angel charms –we use the charms on top of a white bow. Moms can then keep the charm to wear. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0998SCDPN/?coliid=I1OEOBYKZ3WA7M&colid=525GT25MC4OC&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
Puffy hearts – need pink and blue
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MVW1KRH/?coliid=I17B6JY2N9O69H&colid=525GT25MC4OC&psc=0&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it Pink puffy hearts
Pink & Blue teddy bear ribbon trim. https://www.amazon.com/Anrox-Supply-Blkue-Teddy-Ribbon/dp/B071NZZGK3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3SNHRED5BPFZN&keywords=Pink%2Bblue%2Bteddy%2Bbear%2Btrim%2Bribbon&qid=1674510444&sprefix=pink%2Bblue%2Bteddy%2Bbear%2Btrim%2Bribbon%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-1&th=1
These Angel Charms are smaller and needed for the tiny, tiny gowns.
¼: in White, Light Pink, Light Blue
White satin Ribbon: Need 1/8”, 3/12”, and 3/8” (used to make bows and for tie ends on bonnets and gowns)